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You wake up every morning hungry for my milk.

That sweet, delicious milk which fills your mouth as you suck from my stiff nipples, pulling it into you as you swallow all I have to give, like you are starving for it. I cradle your head in my breasts as you pull more and more from me. The more my milk flows, the more horny I become.

I slide myself on top of you, taking your hard cock in my silken cunt and I milk you with my tight muscles, giving you my breasts, one by one, as you suck greedily. You are feeding from me, swallowing that sweet milk as I hold your head close to me with my other full breast softly pressing into your face as the milk already spills from it, ready to be lapped up by your eager tongue.

My milk never runs dry for you.

We fuck continuously so that I am always breeding, always lactating and that sweet, fresh milk is always yours.

Our bodies move together in perfect rhythm, the heat and desire building between us with the milk flowing into your hungry mouth until we come together with my breasts pressed into your face, muffling your cries, leaving both of us satisfied for a short while.

You can't get enough of it.

And I can't get enough of you. We both crave that intimate connection, as I nourish and take care of you. 

We are connected in every sense of the word as we indulge each other's desires. Your moans mix with my soft gasps as we reach the peak of our pleasure, and my milk flows even more freely, drenching us both in its sweetness. 

I love how you crave it.

I am the one who nurtures you and you are my eager, hungry lover.

Every morning, I wake up knowing that I am the source of your pleasure, and your ultimate satisfaction. I am able to satisfy you in a way that no one else can.

You can't get enough of it. And as you drink, I feel a rush of pleasure and my body quivers with endlessly flowing orgasms. 

You are my insatiable lover.

And I am your ever-giving source. Your hunger for my milk is a constant reminder of the passion between us. Our lovemaking is wild, raw and intense, fuelled by my desire to nourish you and your desire to consume me.

You can never get enough of it, and I cannot resist giving it to you. With each orgasm that we share, my milk flows even more, intensifying our pleasure and binding us together.

Every day, your hunger for my milk returns.

It is a need that cannot be denied.

You wake up craving me . . . and I wake up craving you.


Want to read another story?

My Delicious Cream Pie

If you would love to hear the whole story, my sexy audio is available.




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