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Part 1

My Pretty Sissy Boy

The atmosphere had been a little strange at home since I caught my stepbrother wearing my panties. I only had to look at him at the breakfast table to make him blush scarlet and, as I held his gaze, I could visualise that beautiful, thick cock hardening in the silky panties I had instructed him to wear.

Much as I loved tormenting him, I was pleased with my sissy creation. After he had fled from my room when I caught him that first time, he had returned my purple panties and bra to me the next evening, beautifully laundered and with a brand new pair of sheer black stockings to replace the ones he'd worn. He had also given me the most beautiful and enormous bunch of flowers with a handwritten note saying,

"Thank you for making my wildest dreams come true!"

The subtext of this, of course, was "Please don't tell anyone!" I was still touched, however, and so I had purchased a couple of pairs of silky soft, pink satin panties for him online at Victoria's Secret. I left them on his bed with a note of my own saying,

"You are to wear these panties under your clothes at all times. Never take them off. I will be checking."

My sissy had passed all of my sudden spot-checks.

I slid my fingertips down the back of his tight pants to make sure I could feel that telltale silk. I even walked into the bathroom while he was showering, not to look at him particularly, but simply to check that my good boy had been wearing them and only took them off so he could wash. I did not speak to him during these cursory inspections. It was my perfect right to check on my sissy as I saw fit. He tried to keep his eyes modestly cast down and I tried not to catch his gaze, but occasionally we would glance at each other and burst briefly into grins of excitement.

Alexis was not aware of this, but I was secretly planning to take him to the next level. I wanted to parade my sissy in public. Full make-up and female clothes. Perhaps introduce him to some special friends . . . I was just waiting until we could be alone so that I could prepare him properly.

One afternoon, we came home to find a note from our parents.

”Gone away for a couple of nights. Look after each other."

Since his father had married my mother, this was fairly typical. Passionately wrapped up in each other, they had no idea about the simmering tension which was building between me and Alexis.

"Right, darling - get your ass upstairs, I'm going to get you dressed. We're going out!"

"Seriously?! said Alexis, "What - you mean in your clothes?"

"Yes, darling, I do. But first we need to shave you."

We ran up the stairs together to the bathroom. I watched carefully as my blossoming sissy shaved that darkening stubble as closely from his face as he possibly could. Then I applied a thick layer of moisturiser to his eager face to soften his skin and, hooking my fingers into the front of his pants, I led him to my bedroom.

"Take off all your clothes except your panties. No boy clothes allowed now."

Obediently, Alexis stripped.

I looked approvingly at his silky, hot pink satin panties. I ignored his hardening dick. There would be plenty of time for that later. I had some very specific plans.

I sat him down at my dressing table and tied up his shoulder-length hair.

"OK, beautiful, I'm going to make up your face. I'm going to make you look like a real girl."

Nervously, Alexis glanced down at the vast array of palettes and pots of colour which I laid out with all my brushes. But I knew he was excited. So was I. My sissy would be a work of art.

I worked quickly and with concentration as I smoothed primer, then foundation into his skin - using different shades to contour his face by creating shadows and highlights which emphasised his bone structure. Why was I taking such care to create a beautiful dollface which would only be ruined later? All I can say is I got a kick out of it.

I lined his big green eyes with black eyeliner and then got to work with my eyeshadow palette, blending shades of deep chocolate and charcoal to create a sultry, smoky eye. Then I added a set of feathery false lashes to his upper lids, followed by layer after layer of mascara.

He sat obediently and with total trust as I lined his full lips with a deep pink lip pencil and then filled them in with hot pink lipstick. I blended carefully. Then I took my large powder brush and swept on plenty of shimmering peach-pink blush by Nars in a gorgeous shade called "Orgasm". I knew this would be prophetic.

Finally, I added lashings of lipgloss.

"Look in the mirror, gorgeous - you're done!"

Alexis gazed at himself in wonderment. Facially, he was perfect. Utterly feminine. With his wide shoulders and lean, slender body, the effect was runway model.

Except for one thing . . . his body hair. It wasn't too bad - his hair was dark and it was reasonably fine but still . . . it was hair. Body hair. Boy hair. Masculine. It had to go.

Running my hands soothingly up and down his arms and massaging his shoulders in readiness for the tension which was about to flare, I said,

"Alexis, before I get you dressed in your beautiful girl clothes, there is just one thing that you have to do. Let me remove ALL of your body hair. It has to go."

Alexis tried to shoot out of his chair, wailing, "No . . . !!!" but I pushed him firmly back down.

"Don't worry, darling, the results will be worth it, I promise. I think you're going to really enjoy this bit, actually."

So, compliantly, reluctantly - sulking a bit - Alexis followed me to the bathroom and, stripping off his silky pink satin panties, he stood in the bath ready for me and my big pot of cream.

First I did his arms - one at a time. I slathered each arm in the hair-removing cream before swiftly removing it. I did the same to his chest and torso, then to his legs - just stopping short ofthe tops of his thighs. He had a little light hair on his pert, firm, muscular ass so I removed that too.

Now it came to his most sensitive areas. I had to be very careful here or risk losing my sissy forever. I stroked the cream gently but firmly around his cock, ass, and balls. Timing the cream to the absolute second, I quickly removed every speck of it.

I had clearly made a success of this as his cock was stiff when I turned him around.

"You're beautiful", I said, as I gazed at my flawless, hairless creation.

Rinsing him all over to remove the scent of the cream, I dried him off, then - grasping his cock gently but firmly in my hand - I led him back to my bedroom. Before I dressed him it was time to reward him.

I allowed Alexis a few seconds to preen with his hairless body and exquisitely painted face in front of my full-length mirror.

"Right, darling - before I get you dressed, we need to get rid of that hard-on."

I pulled a chair towards the mirror.

"Sit down, stroke yourself, look at yourself - stroke that smooth, sissy cock and caress those smooth, sissy balls. Look at me. I'm your mistress - I created you and I'm training you to be the perfect girl for me. I will look after you - always - but you will do exactly as I say."

As Alexis pumped his cock, I could see all the precum shining on the tip just like his glossy lips. I knew that the time would come quite soon when he would crave the combination of both cum and his own lipgloss. Cum splattering and messing up his beautiful face, only to be licked up and swallowed greedily.

It didn't take long. Alexis shot a load of hot cum all over his gleaming, hairless body, taking care to cover the head of his cock with his hands so he didn't mess up his beautifully painted face. Good boy - he was learning - it was the beginning of the evening, not the end.

"Now lick it up," I said.

Alexis did as he was told. I handed him the tube of lipgloss so he could repair his pouty lips.

"I'm going to get you dressed - we have people to meet.


Part 2

Where the story begins - "Panty Thief"


If you would love to hear the whole story, my sexy audio is available.




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