Krissy woke in his little attic room, stretching his sore limbs as he blinked in the darkness. The chill, damp London air seeped into the room and Krissy's teeth chattered as his breath warmed his face inside the hood.
Mistress had bolted the windows open. "Fresh air will do you good, Krissy!" she proclaimed as she swept out of the room, leaving slave shivering beneath his hessian blankets to spend a restless, uncomfortable night.
Streetlamps gave their faint golden light. The darkness mercifully hid the walls which were painted the most humiliating shade of sissy pink. "Three coats, Krissy!" Mistress had commanded. Barbie pink, baby pink, bubblegum pink, rose pink . . . the antithesis of anything that Krissy would ever have chosen before he gave over the control of his life to this woman.
His room was a narrow 8 by 10 cell with a Victorian wood floor as well as a small black iron fireplace. There was no actual heating in this room to combat the British cold — the most slave could hope for was that the blast from Mistress’s jungle temperature heating and luxurious fires would waft upwards. Slave considered himself lucky to sleep in a bed in a bedroom at all. He dreaded the cage in the basement.
This was no easy task. His body was bruised all over from the previous night’s activities. Mistress had sent him out to “earn his keep” and had given him for the night to one of the foulest dive bars that Krissy had ever seen. In that dark little hole of a place, Krissy had been the star attraction, rented out for £5 a time. On his hands and knees, sometimes strapped to a bench, Krissy had been used — mouth and ass — continuously. Mistress had been watching via the camera which was set up in the corner to film him. The only thing which gave Krissy the strength to continue was the thought of her approval at his deep throat technique and when he would return with his pink PVC purse bulging with fivers. He dreaded the punishment if he failed her. In his mind, each dirty man’s cock was Mistress’s thick, black Coco Chanel scented dildo. This was a difficult idea to maintain given that, in Krissy’s view, some of these men needed medical treatment.
Krissy’s feet were very sore.
His six-inch fetish boots had been locked on until he staggered in at midnight when Mistress, laughing, had let him out of them. When he emptied the drift of crumpled blue five pound notes onto the kitchen table, he had earned so much that she was actually quite pleased and said that slave could have a wash and a few hours rest. But as Krissy surveyed himself in the full-length mirror, a surprisingly luxurious addition to the room which Mistress allowed only to further humiliate him — “You cannot escape what you are, you worthless sissy!” — he saw that the remnants of a few careless shots still lingered in his hair like rancid egg white.
The sense of pride he felt when he saw what Mistress had turned him into was the most humiliating part. Worse than the abundant blonde hair extensions tumbling over his shoulders which Mistress had made him have in a London salon. Worse than the tattooed eyeliner on his upper lids with the feathery black lashes which were so heavy that Krissy sometimes felt they obscured his vision. Even worse than the full pouting pink lips which had been achieved via injection and enhanced with permanent hot pink lipliner.
Formerly a strong, athletic alpha male, Mistress had whittled him down via food deprivation and corset training to be a sylph-like shadow of his former self. His pectoral muscles were now softened by budding breasts from the hormones that Mistress administered. His waist had been nipped in tighter and tighter by the nightly corsets to achieve an hourglass physique. Mistress was aiming for what she called “the perfect 10 inch ratio” between the size of his hips, waist, and breasts. It looked to Krissy that he was almost there and although he sighed miserably as he surveyed himself in his black waist trainer and the constricting panty hose, he caught himself striking a pose as he admired the enticing fullness of his ass set off by his newly refined waist.
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