Part 2
Krissy jumped and stopped his posing as he heard Mistress’s commanding voice echoing up the stairs.
“Come here.”
There was no time to put on his uniform. The layers of heavy rubber took several minutes to assemble.
Krissy grabbed up his pink silk robe and quickly tied the sash around his waist. Again he felt a mixture of pride and despair at how easily it belted around him. He tore off the pink rubber hood which Mistress made him sleep in which pulled at the roots of his blonde hair. One of the extensions was left behind — Krissy would have to burn it.
"Coming, Mistress!"
Pink-faced and suddenly sweating with excitement and fear, Krissy hurtled down the staircase, almost falling, saved by the banister as he slipped in his black pantyhose on the wooden stairs which Mistress made him polish far more than Krissy thought was necessary.
Krissy stood outside Mistress’s bedroom for a breathless moment before he knocked at the door.
As soon as Krissy entered the room, Mistress burst into peals of laughter. Her small white dog on the bed gave Krissy a condescending look.
“My, my . . . you do look a sight. Good morning, Krissy. Well, your first task of the day is to sort out that bird’s nest on your head.”
Krissy patted nervously at his hood-dishevelled bed hair and blushed.
“Secondly, we are having a party. Just a little one . . . a few close friends. I have something to celebrate. Make sure that your 'dress' uniform is ready — I want you to look exquisite. So, the ballet boots. You can carry things now, wearing those, can’t you?”
Krissy nodded miserably. The ballet boots were 8 inches tall with a savage arch between the sole and the heel, leaving Krissy suspended en pointe like a dancer. The postural alignment required to walk in them was a murderously fine balance between elegance and total disaster.
He remembered the relentless training sessions with a shudder. The cane each time he fell. “Again, Krissy. Get up. Again.”
“Good. So, go and make yourself presentable. The caterers will be arriving shortly. Slave can wear his normal uniform until 6pm. Then you will have an hour to get ready.”
Krissy gazed at Mistress, sitting up in bed, against the white raft of pillows. She looked as beautiful as ever with her blonde hair pinned on top of her head and her face fresh and gleaming, stripped for the moment of her usual glamorous make-up. She wore the most delicate purple silk nightdress which Krissy always handwashed with reverence and fear. His cock throbbed against the bars of its tiny cage as he thought of the matching panties.
“Yes, Krissy. You will be allowed out of that miserable chastity device this evening. There is a reason for this — you will see. Now, come here. Hormone time.”
Mistress put down her teacup and reached for the hormone box. This was a narrow rectangle, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which had sections for all of Krissy’s different pills and hormone patches. With the aid of a doctor friend, Mistress was continuously assessing and tweaking them.
“Right, Krissy — it’s patch day. Let me see you.”
Krissy wriggled his pantyhose down and presented his bare "bottom", as Mistress sometimes called it.
Krissy bent over, catching the half-closed eyes of the luxurious little dog, snuggled into Mistress. It seemed to sneer at him.
Mistress deftly tore off the old patch with her long fingernails and smoothed on a new one.
“Good. Now take this away and get me some more tea. Slave’s hindquarters are quite bruised. Those men were rough with you, weren’t they, Krissy? I did see.”
"Yes, Mistress."
Krissy’s eyes almost welled up at the unaccustomed sympathy, but he steeled himself and held back.
Krissy picked up the black lacquered tray, carefully loading it with Mistress’s terrifyingly valuable tea set as well as the debris from the hormones.
As he made his way carefully from the room, he heard the little dog sigh with bliss, and he wondered for the thousandth time what had ever possessed him to sign up for this.
But his cock as hard as it could be in the little cage told him why.
He seemed to hear Mistress’s voice in his head.
“You know why, Krissy. You know why.”
To be continued.
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